Scoliosis in children and chiropractic help

Posted in Pediatrics on Nov 22, 2022

What is scoliosis and how does it affect children?

Scoliosis is a condition where the spine curves in an abnormal “S” or “C” shape. This can put pressure on the spinal cord, leading to pain and discomfort, as well as difficulty with everyday activities such as walking and reaching overhead. The effects of scoliosis in children can be especially pronounced since their bodies are still growing. Left untreated, complications from scoliosis can lead to nerve damage, imbalance among muscle groups, and reduced range of motion. Chiropractic care is one possible treatment for children with scoliosis. A chiropractor may recommend chiropractic adjustments or massage therapy to relieve tension and reduce the curvature of the spine.

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They may also advise lifestyle changes such as stretching exercises and good posture to help reduce stress on the spinal cord, which can help treat and manage symptoms of scoliosis in children. In severe cases of scoliosis in children, surgery may be necessary to correct any deformity or additional complications that have arisen due to the condition. However, chiropractic care is often beneficial in alleviating pain and improving mobility before any major decisions are made. Ultimately, chiropractic care is one possible way to help manage symptoms of scoliosis in children; however, it is best used hand-in-hand with other treatments as recommended by a doctor or chiropractor. By taking proactive steps towards managing their child’s condition through chiropractic care and other treatments, parents can ensure they are providing their child with relief from the pain associated with living with scoliosis.

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How is scoliosis diagnosed in children?

The diagnosis of scoliosis in children typically begins with a chiropractic examination. During these exams, chiropractors look for asymmetrical curves and other signs of disorders in the spine, such as uneven legs or an uneven shoulder height. If a chiropractor suspects the presence of scoliosis, they will typically refer their patient to an orthopedic specialist for further evaluation and imaging. Generally, scoliosis can be confirmed through x-rays of the patient's spine which will reveal either a sideways curvature or rotational deformity in the spine.

An MRI may also be necessary to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of the condition. Depending on the case, chiropractors may also suggest additional methods of diagnosis such as physical activity tests or EMG studies. Once diagnosed, chiropractors can then work with their patients on a treatment plan designed to correct misalignment and improve movement. In more severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. All in all, early detection and proper chiropractic care are fundamental when diagnosing scoliosis in children.

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What are the treatment options for scoliosis in children?

Treatment for scoliosis depends on the severity of the curvature, but there are several therapeutic options available to help slow its progression. Depending on the case, a chiropractor may be able to use chiropractic care to improve posture by realigning each vertebra in the spine. A chiropractor may also recommend physical therapy exercises that focus on stretching and strengthening parts of the body affected by scoliosis. In more extreme cases, a child may require surgery to correct the spinal deformity, although this should only be done after taking into consideration any potential risks associated with such a procedure.

Other treatment methods may include using external corrective braces or wearing custom shoes. Each option should be discussed with a medical professional in order to determine which course of action is most effective for your child’s individual situation. Ultimately, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for managing scoliosis in children.

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How can parents help their child cope with scoliosis?

Many parents experience worry and concern when their child is diagnosed with scoliosis. Fortunately, there are a number of things that parents can do to help their children cope with the condition and ensure they get the support they need. The first step is to learn as much as possible about the disorder by talking to healthcare professionals or doing research online. It's also important for parents to be supportive and provide reassurance throughout any treatment process. 

Parents should encourage regular physical activity, good sleep habits, and a healthy diet. If bracing is necessary, assistive devices should be worn regularly and correctly, as instructed by their medical team. Finally, seeking out psychological support may help children to develop effective strategies for dealing with scoliosis-related pain or other feelings. Overall, providing understanding and emotional encouragement can make a big difference for both parents and children affected by scoliosis. By educating themselves on the condition and being available for emotional support, parents can give their children the best opportunity to manage scoliosis effectively.

Are there any long-term effects of scoliosis in children?

In children, the most common cause of scoliosis is unknown, though it can also result from congenital abnormalities or spinal injury. While most cases are mild, severe scoliosis can be disfiguring and painful. In addition to its physical effects, scoliosis can also have long-term psychological repercussions for those affected by it. For instance, children with scoliosis may experience impaired body image, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.

Furthermore, their social relationships can be greatly impacted; bullying and teasing are common issues that can lead to further psychological trauma. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in minimizing both physical and mental health issues associated with scoliosis in children. Once detected and properly managed over a patient's lifetime, most individuals with this condition should be able to lead full lives free from its longer-term effects.

How chiropractic can help

If you're concerned that your child may have scoliosis, it's important to get them diagnosed as soon as possible. There are various treatment options available for scoliosis in children, and most of them are very effective. Parents can play an important role in helping their child cope with scoliosis, and there are also some long-term effects to consider. If you're looking for help managing your child's scoliosis, chiropractic care may be a good option.

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