Sensory Processing Symptoms in Kids and Chiropractic Care

Posted in Pediatrics on May 9, 2023

Are you concerned about the way your child is processing sensory experiences? Do they seem hyperactive, struggle with certain types of clothing or food textures, or have difficulty focusing on tasks? You’re not alone. Sensory processing symptoms are common in kids and can significantly impact their development, behavior, well-being, and even performance at school. Thankfully however there are different interventions available to help — including chiropractic care! In this article, we’ll explore how sensorial issues show up in children's lives and discuss how chiropractic adjustments may help improve these typically hidden yet often disruptive behaviors.

Sensory Processing Symptoms in Kids

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As children grow and develop, they encounter numerous stimuli that can affect their senses in various ways. While it is common for some children to experience minor discomfort or overexcitement due to certain sensory inputs, others may exhibit more significant symptoms that can interfere with their everyday life. This is known as sensory processing disorder or SPD, and it can affect children differently, depending on their age and sensory profile. Some common symptoms of SPD in kids include heightened sensitivity to sensory input, difficulty regulating their emotions, and trouble with social interaction. Recognizing these symptoms can help parents and caregivers provide the right support and treatment to help children thrive.

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How to identify Sensory Processing Symptoms

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a condition that affects the way individuals interpret and respond to sensory input. This can manifest in a variety of ways, including hypersensitivity to certain stimuli like noise or touch, or hyposensitivity to others. While SPD is a complex condition that can be difficult to identify, there are some key symptoms to look out for. For example, children with SPD may have a hard time with certain textures or clothing, become easily overwhelmed in crowded or noisy environments, or struggle with balance and coordination. By learning to recognize these symptoms, parents and caregivers can better support individuals with SPD and help them lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Ways to Manage Sensory Processing Symptoms at Home

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Living with Sensory Processing Disorder can be challenging, but there are ways to manage symptoms right at home. One effective approach is creating a sensory-friendly space that caters to your specific needs. This can involve adjusting lighting, temperature, and sound levels to find what works best for you. You can also incorporate calming activities like yoga or meditation into your daily routine to help regulate your nervous system. Another option is to use tools such as weighted blankets or fidget toys to provide deep pressure input and reduce anxiety. With a little experimentation and creativity, you can find practical ways to manage sensory processing symptoms and create a more comfortable living environment.

The Role of Chiropractic Care in Addressing Sensory Processing Issues

For those suffering from sensory processing issues, chiropractic care may be a helpful solution. Often, sensory processing difficulties stem from nervous system imbalances, which can be corrected through chiropractic adjustments. By realigning the spine and manipulating the body's joints and soft tissues, chiropractors can help improve nerve function and decrease sensory sensitivity. This can lead to a reduction in symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, and overstimulation. While chiropractic care should not be used as a sole treatment for sensory processing issues, it can play a valuable role in a comprehensive treatment plan for those looking to address their sensory challenges.

What to Expect With a Chiropractic Visit for Sensory Processing

If your child has been struggling with sensory processing issues, you may be wondering what a chiropractic visit entails. Chiropractors use a holistic approach to identify misalignments in the spine that could be affecting neurological function. During the initial visit, the chiropractor will conduct a thorough examination of your child's spine, nervous system, and overall health. From there, they will develop a personalized treatment plan that could include spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and lifestyle recommendations. While some children may experience immediate improvement, others may require multiple visits to achieve lasting results. By addressing the root cause of their sensory processing issues, chiropractic care can help your child feel more comfortable and confident in their surroundings.

Tips for Parents When Seeking Chiropractic Care for Their Child's Sensory Struggles

As a parent, it can be overwhelming to decide on the best course of care for your child's sensory struggles. Chiropractic care is one option that can provide relief and support for your child's needs. However, it's important to find the right chiropractor who specializes in pediatric care and has experience with sensory issues. A qualified chiropractor will thoroughly assess your child's condition, develop a personalized treatment plan, and work closely with you to monitor progress. Communication is key, so don't hesitate to ask questions and voice your concerns. With the right chiropractor and a proactive approach, your child can experience improved sensory integration and overall wellness.

Sensory struggles can make everyday life difficult for kids and parents alike. Thankfully, with the right strategies, processing symptoms do not have to get in the way of a child’s development and thriving. We understand that receiving help along the journey is important, so we offer our chiropractic care as a supportive piece in managing sensory issues. Our gentle experience is rooted in understanding and creating a space to learn new strategies together with you and your child. We are so grateful for the joy children bring into our lives, which makes it important that we offer advice on helping them find balance and to be their best selves! We hope this post has been helpful in recognizing sensory processing challenges and ways of addressing them through chiropractic.

At our office, we believe that tremendous results can be achieved when you least expect them – what some call miracles. We've seen incredible children and families time after time make remarkable stories that they rightly celebrate as wins! Now take action—come visit our clinic today or reach out if you want more specific guidance!

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